I’m so tried, and I have no reason to be.

I think it has something to do with going to bed at 4 in the morning and waking up at 11:00. My body hates it when I do that, and yet during the holiday period I do it anyway. Over the last few days I’ve had a bux night, caught up with some friends and gone to a wedding. It was all quite nice. And I slept through X-Mas. Which was nicer. I like sleeping.

I’m back at work. My mind keeps drifting, my eyes keep fluttering (wanting to shut) and I think I’ve got a headache (but I’m not sure, it’s one of those headaches that stays silent until you move your head in a specific direction).

Anyway, I want to wish anyone who reads this little blog of mine a Happy New Year. It’s on a Friday night which means I can’t actually enjoy the festivities with all my drunken friends. But that’s okay. I’ll make up for it over the weekend.