I want to wish you all, whoever you might be, a very Happy New Year.

I am so looking forward to 2005.

Catching up with my mates at Gallifrey, new Doctor Who, having a new house-mate, Continuum 3: the Greatest Convention Ever!!!!, taking over the world, and maybe finding time for love.

The last few days of 2004 have been shocking, what with Tsunami and all, and there are many people who are suffering. And my heart honestly and truly goes out to them. I just hope and pray that 2005 brings a brighter, happier future, where less people die in tragic, senseless circumstances and as a race we can start to actually like each other. I know it’s difficult, but I can still hope… can’t I?

Anyway, I better end here before I get too sentimental.

This LJ will continue with news, reviews, the promotion of my writing and the odd key-hole look into the mysterious land of Mond.

And I want more comments from you out there. Mainly to assuage my ego, but also because I like the idea of being part of community.

So this is it from the Mondman for 2004.

Roll on 2005.