I haven’t updated the LJ for a few days – mainly because I’ve really had nothing to say. And then I started reading reports about the problems (or alleged problems) occuring with the filming of His Dark Materials trilogy.
Lets put aside for a moment that the Director has left the production. There’s plenty of reasons why this could have occurred and not all of them creative.
What concerns me is that New Line have decided to remove all the religious references from the movie.
For those who haven’t read Philip Pullman’s fantastic three book trilogy (The Golden Compass, the Subtle Knife, the Amber Spyglass) it’s worth pointing out that religion and faith play an integral role in the books. Faith and spirituality and how these things can be distorted by organised religion (in the case of HDM – Christianity) is one of the core themes of the novels. Removing that not only means restructuring huge slabs of the plot, but it also mean changing who the baddies are.
Now, as someone whose both orthodox and a member of an organised religion I find this decision – from a creative perspective – short sighted. But I also know why it was done. Take all the fuss generated by the Harry Potter series and multiply it ten-fold and this is how the Christian right are going to react to the HDM trilogy. And New Line are more than worried – and rightly so – about whether they’ll make a buck from the three films.
I’m fine with that. Totally. New Line is a business and that has to be taken into account.
However, I’m of the firm belief that if you’re going to adapt a book or a series – especially one as lyrical and beautiful and interesting as HDM – you’re obligated to follow the core themes of the novel. (Okay, okay I know you’re gonna have cut scenes, merge characters etc, but the THEMES and the main players should remain – have to remain)
And if you can’t do this because you’re scared a pitch-fork weilding mob might come knocking at your door looking to burn down your organisation then I’m sorry but don’t make the movie. Leave it in its present medium. Three great books (Well two great books and a third that sort of loses its way).
I’ll go see the films when they come out. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. But I can’t help but feel that whatever will be put on screen – while perhaps gorgeous and stunning to look at – will be a shadow of the source material.
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