Over the Easter / Passover period some award finalists were announced, and so were winners of previously announced shortlists including the PKD Awards, the Aurealis Awards, the Ditmar Awards and the BSFA.

Also a shout out to Cally Black’s In The Dark Spaces, a powerful young adult novel that Kirstyn and I discussed on the last episode of The Writer and the Critic.
I’m not going to comment on the other winners because I don’t have all day, but congratulations to one and all.

… just kidding, it’s FUCKING AWESOME a truly sublime work loved by people who hate most other science fiction. Allan’s fiction, just like her criticism, explores what the novel can do, not through experimentation or Oulipo type word games but by inserting ambiguity and strangeness into the most ordinary of places. Science fiction is the device she uses, but her fiction crosses the heavily armed border between literary and genre. She is one of the best, and if this book isn’t a Clarke Award finalist (it should have been a Hugo finalist… don’t get me started) then I won’t be angry; I will be disappointed.
Nah, fuck it, I’ll be furious.