Here’s a couple of projects you might be interested in supporting.
The first comes from Julia Rios and Alisa Krasnostein, two of my favourite people, who have joined together to edit an anthology of diverse YA stories.  They’ve gone to Pozible (the Australian Kickstarter) to raise the funds ($12,000) and after 6 or so days they’ve exceeded $2,500.  So go forth and support Kaleidoscope.
Unlike Kaleidoscope that’s just under 10 grand away from it’s goal, Harry Connolly’s The Great Way Kickstarter reached its $12,000 goal in about eight hours.  Going by Connolly’s blog this came as a bit of a shock.  In fact he’d commented only moments after going live with the Kickstarter that maybe the $12,000 goal was a hill to high.  $31,910 later and he’s now started introducing stretch goals.
So while there’s no urgency to fund this project, I mention it because Connolly is the perfect example of the mid-list writer who’s being forced to look at other avenues to publish his fiction. Â The fact that he’s attracted 680 backers and more money then he would likely have got if he’d sold the series to a traditional publisher, should interest other mid-list authors in his situation. Â In other words writers who have been previously published, who have a fan following, but don’t sell enough books to grease the churning cogs and wheels of the publishing industry.
Also, going by his blog – I’ve never met Connolly – he seems like a good bloke. Â The sort of good bloke and good writer who deserves more than to just be a forgotten author we vaguely remember a decade from now.
Good man!