Writing that header just got me into big trouble from Sara who said that if I ever – *EVER* mis-spelt an Anime title, character, thing again she would take me off her friends list. And she meant it.

Anyway I saw Millenium Actress and Escaflowne (correct spelling I believe) with Sara last night at the Astor. Liked MA quite alot despite it being a bit slow. It didn’t move me to tears, which I think it was meant to do, but it did move me. The music is just gorgeous, the animation is beautiful and the story is sweet… but a little detatched. Definitely a film worth seeing.

Escaflowne, on the other hand, is a mess. Sara tells me the series is great and I’m willing to trust her on that. (She’s been pretty spot on so far). But the movie has about a million characters, none of whom are ever developed. Very little backstory is given and you never get a feeling for why people are doing the things they are doing. It looks great though and the music, again, is superb. I just didn’t angage with it at all.

Still a worthwhile venture and a fun night out.

Even if Sara takes me off her friends list 😉