News just to hand – A new Stephen King book will be coming out sometime in 2006 (well, I guess the 2006 bit, but that’s what the news tit-bit seems to be implying).
You can find a tad more about this at Lilja’s Library (the best place to go for SK news)
This has made me very happy, being Stephen King’s Number 2,345,456,982 fan. In fact this bit od news has given me the same sort of thrill I felt when I found out there’s was going to be a New Series of Who.
Dark Tower 7 (which I haven’t actually reviewed and may do so soon) showed that King still has what it takes to spin a new, engaging, thrilling, tear jerking, scary yarn. He is a master story-teller. And a stylist. And my all time favourite writer. He’s the guy who inspired me to write.
I love Stephen King. In a nice, non Annie Wilkes sort of way 🙂
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