Lawrence Conquest had this to say about mine and Danny’s story BestSeller (publihsed in the BF collection Monsters). This is what he had to say
“Opener ‘Best Seller’ by Ian Mond and Danny Oz has the 8th Doctor and Charley caught up in the riotous frenzy concerning the launch of a new book. Off the back of the mania surrounding the various Harry Potter releases this looks to be a good premise, but it all falls to pieces with the revelation that it’s all a plot by a bunch of boring aliens to spice up the TV ratings back home, while the Doctor’s big plan – leak the novel over the internet – is so mundane you wonder why no-one else tried it first. A depressingly bland story to open a collection with, and the idea of the Doctor’s adventures being broadcast as entertainment is a very tired idea. What beats me is why it needed two people to come with something so pedestrian? A poor start.”
The thing is, Lawrence is right. The story isn’t very good and all I can say to Lawrence and anyone whose read the story is that the idea seemed cool at the time. But in the cold light of day… well… lets just say BestSeller isn’t my favourite piece of work (Danny has a similar view). The thing is, if I hadn’t written the story, I might have said the same things – just nicer.
One good thing about reviews such as the above is that they thicken your epidermis.
Now I have to go and cry…
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