But every so often, I stumble across and review a popular novel—the sort of popular novel that makes it on Lit Hubs’ consolidated list of the most anticipated books for Summer fall, etc. I didn’t know this when I decided to review “The Bog Wife;” I just thought it looked interesting.
As it happens, and as you’ll find out in November, I really liked this novel. It’s Appalachian Gothic, involving a weird (possibly inbred) family, a ramshackle house perched on top of a cranberry bog and an ancient ritual involving creating a bog wife. It’s actually a subversive novel, subtly undercutting the tropes of gothic fiction to present us with something much more exciting and surprising. You’ll think you’ll know where the story is going—you’ll be wrong.
So, yes, one of the much-anticipated novels of the Autumn (or Spring if you live where I do) is worthy of the hype.
*Not the song. Not the flower.
***I love you, Gary!
****Obviously, there are exceptions to everything I’m saying here. For example, I’m typically the one who reviews Jeff Vandermeer for Locus. And that aint gonna change anytime soon.