As you all probably know (or don’t know), the first episode of the new Doctor Who series was leaked on the Web a couple of days ago.

Now, thousands of fans have watched the episode and the reviews are coming thick and fast. And you know what people are discovering, that the show (or at least the first episode) doesn’t meet the impossibly high expectations they set.

Here’s my thing. As fans we want to love, love, love the show. But as fans we can’t help but slice and dice the show as well.

When the TV Movie came out, I watched it with wide eyed fascination. It was new Doctor Who for seven years, and while bits of my brain were telling other bits of my brain that the story wasn’t very good, the child inside me didn’t care. Because this was the show I loved, and here I was, all alone in my parents living room, watching it for the first time since 1990. And for all its flaws (and there were many) it was still a wonderous sight to behold.

Of course, a few weeks later, when the buzz had settled I examined the TV Movie more closely and I started to pick at the loose shambling thing masquerading as a plot. And now, years later, I think TV Movie is an okay piece of entertainment that could have been much better.

So what’s my point? Well, you’re assuming I had one.

My point, people, is: Wouldn’t it nice if all those f&*&kers online just loved “Rose” unconditionally for a couple of weeks. Just loved it, not because it was good or anything, but because it was new Doctor Who. And once we’d all enjoyed that special moment – so rare in this world – once we’ve milked that WOW moment for all it’s worth… then let the missles fly.

Ah bugger it. What’s the point. I’ll be enough child for everyone.