I don’t normally get excited about anything, but tonight I recieved two things.

The first was the First Season of Who in its crappy DVD box set. Yes Grant you were right, the box set is rubbish and badly put together. A couple of panels in mine fell off though thank God the discs weren’t scratched. And the panels stuck back on again anyway. The DVDs seem great, though there’s an authoring error on disco 2 where a scene is missed in Aliens of London. Though you can access the same scene via the Play All function. Oh well.

But the second Squeeee event to occur was Natalie presenting me with my belated birthday gift.


Oh yeah, baby. It’s silver and it’s Daleky and it fucking talks and just before I was trying vainly to exterminate Ori. Shame it doesn’t fire from it’s gun-stick. But it is soooooooo damn cool.

Gotta go. Ori’s legs need some exterminating.