On Sunday, Kirstyn and I recorded episode 32 of Writer and The Critic.  During our discussion of Every Day by David Levithan, Kirstyn quoted from this review by Sara Polsky.  Assuming Kirstyn doesn’t edit it out, you should hear me cutting her off mid-sentence to babble on about the Strange Horizon fund drive.

What I wanted to say, and what I think gets lost in the flurry of words as I belatedly realise that this probably isn’t the best moment to mention the fund drive, is that Strange Horizon’s has played an important role in our podcast. Whenever Kirstyn or I are looking for intelligent, erudite criticism about a specific genre novel, Strange Horizons is the first place we check.  And more often than not we find ourselves quoting or linking to the review.  (In fact we’ve referred to Strange Horizon reviews in four of the last six podcasts!)

In short Strange Horizons is an amazing resource.  Not only does it provide – free of charge – the best criticism on the web, but it also publishes some fine fiction and some thoughtful blogs.  Take this recent one by Renay which offers insight into the irritating phenomenon of authors intruding into book blogging discussions about said author’s work (and then check the comments to see an actual example taking place!!!)

Look, I’m not prone to bouts of melodrama or have ever been accused of overstating my case.  I mean just listen to Writer and The Critic and you’ll hear the measured words of a slightly plump man who always thinks before he speaks.   But, it would be a FUCKING DISGRACE if Strange Horizons was unable to reach it’s $11,000 goal.  Because while we all moan and groan about the lack of diversity, about the death of science fiction, about the lack of quality criticism, here is a place where you can read some of the most innovative and out of the box speculative fiction on the web; a place where criticism IS NOT the privilege of a bunch of crusty old white guys but is shared amongst the many and diverse voices that our community has to offer; a place where ideas can be developed and argued and broken apart and put together again.

So please donate.  Because in the midst of all the shitty flame wars and arguments and vicious debates, Strange Horizons is a haven of sanity and really good things.