I don’t like cricket it all. It is a silly game played by silly people. And it’s so booooring. And sometimes they play for five days and it is a draw. Isn’t that just so stupid. And I saw these umpires once take the players off because the light was bad. What other sport does that? Only a stupid one. And I saw this guy with a strange haircut and blonde streak down his hair make over a hundred runs. How boring. Someone said he was dropped three times. Whatever that means. There was this other bloke (also with a silly blonde haircut) who took a bundle of wickets (whatever that is) and apparently “dropped” the other guy when he was 15. They said he dropped the Ashes. Well, Ashes are hard to carry at the best of times, so I’m not so surprised.

Anyway, cricket is stupid and I’m glad it’s over.

All this fuss over a tiny little urn. What is the world coming too.