The great thing about Live Journals is that you can be as objectionable as you want. You can swear and rant and froth at the mouth and no-one can stop you. There is no moderation.

Forums are not the same. Which is a good thing. It allows for civil conversation. In theory.

Well last night I was reading through the e-mails from the various fora I’m a member of and I discover that there’s this guy out there – who calls himself Lord Zog – who despises one of my attitudes. Despises. Wow… them’s harsh words… I must have said something bloody terrible.

I was talking about the new series of Doctor Who… (surprise surprise) and I was saying (but not very well) that I’d found Season One to be perfect – even though it was flawed in so many ways. What I had been trying to say was that for me RTD captured all those things that made Doctor WHo great – including rubbish bits that you sort of love, but hate as well coz there rubbish.

Anyway, Zog despised my opinion. Too be fair to Zog he thought I was saying that I saw Doctor Who as perfect because something is better than nothing. But even if that had been my opinion – how can you despise that attitude. You can disagree… but despise.

I responded to Zog baby. But I restrained myself. Because if I’d said what I’d wanted to say I would have been kicked off the forum, or would have been forced to apologise.

So, like the coward I will post here what I wanted to say to the Zogmeister.

Lord Zog you can go and get fucked.

Not original. Not subtle. Not clever.

But it makes me feel gooooood.

One hour later: Ah, bugger this. I’m no good at all this vitriol rubbish. Life is too short to get angry over stupid stuff. And this ranks right up there in the meaingless category. I mean a mate of mine just came up to me at work, saw I was in a mood, and asked what was wrong. And I didn’t really have an adequate explantion. The fact is, I am a sweetie and I should get over it. So I will.

Thanks Kate and Barrington.